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  1. room

  2. check in

  3. reservation

  4. shampoo

  5. body wash

  6. towel

  7. pillow

  8. table

  9. menu

  10. order


Check in

Receptionist:Would you like to reserve a room?

           Guest: Yes, I would like to reserve a room.

Receptionist: How many people?

           Guest: ________ people

            Guest: How much does it cost?

Receptionist: ________ dollars.


Hotel Room

          Guest: Can I get extra _______?

Receptionist: Sure! How many?

           Guest: _________ (number).



                 Guest: Can I get a table?

       Receptionist: Sure! How many people?

                  Guest: _________ people.

Waiter/Waitress:What would you like to order/drink?

                  Guest: I would like _______.

                  Guest: Can I get the check?

Waiter/Waitress: Sure! Here you go!

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